Travelling to the centre

Travel tickets

You will receive the travel information by email about two weeks before your training period in Lapinjärvi starts. Follow the instructions you receive.

Order your travel tickets and/or sign up for shared transportation in Omasivari (round trip).

Non-military Service Centre will process your order. You will receive your travel tickets depending on your choice either by email, by text message or to Omasivari. With the same application you can order several travel tickets.

Instructions for ordering travel tickets (pdf)

Non-military Service Centre will order a shared transportation bus from Helsinki to Lapinjärvi. Name of the bus company is Lehtimäki. You can sign up to this bus in Omasivari. You do not need a ticket to this bus, just be on time at the bus stop.

If you come from Kouvola, Non-military Service Centre’s own car will pick you up from Kouvola Matkakeskus. You can sign up to this transportation in Omasivari.

Local transport tickets

You cannot order local transport tickets in Omasivari.

If you are traveling part of the journey (more than 3 km / direction) by local train or by local bus:

  • Pay the tickets yourself and save the receipts / tickets (sum and VAT share should be shown).
  • Send them to:
  • Write your name and phone number.
  • Clarify the reason of your travel (from where to where and km/direction)

Travelling with the car

To have a compensation of travelling with your own car it requires the following conditions to be met:

  • There is no public transport at that time of day.
  • The waiting time between different travel sections must be at least 2 hours.

Compensation is paid for the part of the travel where public transport is not available to the nearest public transport station.

In very exceptional travel conditions, and if there are no other means of transportation, Non-military Service Centre can grant based on an application made in advance the right to complete the entire journey with the car, if the conditions for using the car are met.

To receive compensation, you must provide an explanation of address, the route leading there with its length, public transport with schedules, and the costs of the travel options. We do not reimburse taxi travels or hotel nights. If you want to overnight at your home, it is possible, but we will not reimburse your travel expenses.
You can ask your right to use your car:

Vacation travels

During the training period you are entitled to receive free vacation travels or possibly compensation for your travel costs.

Please note that by showing an electronic non-military service certificate you can get a discount for leisure travels, e.g., on the train.

Free vacation travels paid by the state are intended for travels between work service and non-military service person’s home or place of residence.

For a special reason presented by non-military service person the Non-military Service Centre may, at its discretion, also grant a travel to the following locations

  1. The place of residence where non-military service person has a permanent work or study
  2. The place of residence of married or permanent cohabitant person
  3. The place of residence of parent, grandparent, sibling, or child
  4. For the future place of residence, place of work or study, if non-military service person can show an invitation to a job interview, entrance exams, or other similar document.

Tickets may not be issued to other towns. Vacation travels may not be granted for an evening off (less than 24 hours of vacation).