If something happens during the service

Insurance coverage during your service

  • Accidents and illnesses of a non-military servant are reimbursed by Non-military Service Centre during the training period and by your service location during the work service.
  • If an injury or illness caused by an accident interferes your life after service, for example, returning to work or continuing your studies, you can apply for treatment costs and compensation from the State Treasury.
  • Non-military servant is entitled to compensation if the accident occurred during non-military service, or the injury or illness was caused or aggravated during service.
  • To receive compensation, an application must be submitted to State Treasury. Attach a certificate of sick leave and other necessary documents. Missing documents can be requested from Non-military Service Centre or from your service location.
  • Transactions are easiest and fastest done on State Treasury website by logging in to the transaction service. State Treasury also has a helpline where you can ask for advice. 

State Treasury (valtiokonttori.fi)