Making the service position contract


When a service position accepts a serviceman for the job, the serviceman and the service location will make an agreement on the carrying out of the service by filling a contract form on SivariWeb.

The serviceman can confirm the contract online in OmaSivari, when both parties have agreed upon the contract, the non-military service center will accept it and will decree the serviceman into non-military service on basis of the service position contract as soon as possible.

The contract is an agreement that the serviceman accepts the service position and that the service location accepts the serviceman for the job.

The service location and serviceman will make an agreement on the following matters:

  • The starting day on the service position
  • main job description
  • indicated accommodation
  • conscripts allowance payment schedule
  • dining arrangements or lack thereof
  • health care
  • commuting arrangements

In case the serviceman’s job description includes essential and permanent personal interaction with a minor (18 years old), the non-military service center is obligated to check the serviceman’s criminal background before issuing the serviceman into non-military service in the service position.

The service location must have an up-to-date status as a service location and login credentials to SivariWeb, the person responsible to accept the service contract is marked in SivariWeb.

The service contract is essential to carry out the non-military service in a service location, the non-military service center cannot decree a serviceman to a service position without it.